Summer Trip 2007
Already on return trip

We had a wonderful time driving through the rockies.  We're on the return leg now, I'm typing this right now in Lake Louise, AB. No time left...

posted @ Saturday, August 18, 2007 7:54 PM | Feedback (0)
Junior Training Camp

We almost finished the Junior Training Camp.  I learned how to operate a commercial dish-washer, and I was in charge of cleaning all the plates, glasses and cutlery for about 70 people.  It was neat running an assembly line dish cleaning operation.  I wouldn't want to have to do that as a full-time job though!

posted @ Wednesday, July 25, 2007 11:14 PM | Feedback (0)

I got a GPS as an early Birthday present.  Man, those things are fun.  All our erratic driving is now recorded.  I can see all the places where I got lost.  We call our unit 'Eddie' (as in Eddie the shipboard computer, from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fame; famous for the line: "I can compute your personality problems to 11 decimal places!").  Our Eddie's suggestions on how to get somewhere can be just as annoying as his namesake ("Make a U-Turn in 1.7 km").

posted @ Monday, July 23, 2007 10:51 AM | Feedback (0)
Arrived in Saskatoon

We arrived safely in Saskatoon last night at 02:30 Ottawa time (00:30 local).  The trip was fine and easy.  The Google guesstimate of 35 hours was almost bang on.  First night just outside of Kirkland Lake, second night just before Dryden.  Now in a hotel, because we couldn't find a camp site coming into Saskatoon.

posted @ Monday, July 23, 2007 10:05 AM | Feedback (0)