July 2008 Entries
Arrived in Vienna, climbed the Stefansdom
We’ve arrived after an uneventful flight – which was fun though, because this is the first time all 5 of us were flying together for the first time. The plane was packed, but we a two rows together near the back of the plane, where one row had 3 seats, and one row 2 – so we didn’t have to share with others.

Today we climbed the 777 stairs to the top of the Stefansdom, specifically a room that was occupied by fire spotters from when it was built (the cathedral was started in the 13th century) until 1956.  At the end of World War II the church burned and the roof caved in, so major renovations were needed.

We also had a nice lunch with Christof, Angelika,  Marlies  (but not Brigitte, she's still working in France), Ernst und Andrea.  Tonight my cousin Erich (who was a good friend to Kurt) will come over here for dinner. 

Vienna is filled with music.  Here is a pay-toilet in the subway:

posted @ Friday, July 25, 2008 11:21 AM | Feedback (0)